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Jumat, 17 Maret 2017


My Cat      
Contoh Text Descriptive Tentang Hewan Singkat Berbahasa Inggris-kucing
I have a cat. It is a female cat. She has a long tail. She like to lick her tail. My cat’s fur is white and brown. So, I call her “si belang” because she has two collor. Belang like to eat fish. But sometime I also fed her tempe. She also like tempe. At the afternoon, when the sunset, she like to play outside the house. She will be running, rolling, and then climbing the tree. She is so funny.
My Rabbit
I have a rabbit, a cute rabbit. The fur is white and soft. I like to touch it.He has two long ears. I like to play with them. He also has two beautiful eyes.My rabit like to eat carrot. He also like to eat other vegetables. My rabbit cage was broken last nigt. So, today I will make a now cage for him.
Text Descriptive Bahasa Inggris Tentang Hewan Panda
I love pandas, they’re so lovely. Thy’re black and white, and they love bambú (99% os their diet is constitueted by bambú). They eat 40 kg of bambú in only one day. They’re about 70-125 kg (adult) and 90-130 grs. (baby). They’re originally from Asia, exactly from china. I like them because they’re very cute
My favorit animal is a dog. This animal is best firiend of the human. In my house I have a dog, it is called bambi and she’s 8 months old. His race is Chiguagua and it’s very small. It’s black, brown and white color. It is very good, affectionate and noble. I play with her everiday. We like to walk to the park.
Text Descriptive Bahasa Inggris Tentang Hewan Pinguin
My favorite animal is the penguin, because when penguin walk is very funny and cute and seems to have tuxedos. They’ve got yellow and black peak, their bodies are black, white and in the neck of the penguin there are yellow. They haven’t got ears. They are birds but they can not fly but can swim very well. They’ve got very black small tail.

Elephant  have a long proboscis , is gray , have a body large , among those herbivorous , we can meet at the zoo or forest , one feature that is having ivory his trademark , he always get the food using the nose or his trunk , they live in groups , generally many people who was chasing her only to see tusk , he was one who is lestarikan .
Monkey among primates, food is the banana his trademark, his name is often called and occurredin use by man in contention, she enjoys with lice, and posture small and have long tail, he had feathers in almost all over, he also habitually live in, he had a body slight resemblance to the people have hands and feet.
Snakes among reptiles that legless and long bodied. Having scales as lizards and sama-sama classified into reptiles scaly ( squamata ).The difference is generally legged lizards, having the ears, and eyelids that can be opened cover.However kasus-kasus lizards legless ( for example ophisaurus spp. ) this difference become vague and could not hold onto.
Tiger or the are in the kingdom of in the phylum kordata have the spinal cord ) , sub-filum vertebrates ( bony back ) , the class mammalia ( warm-blooded , hairy to glands milk ) , carnivorous ( carnivorous ) , family felidæ ( cats ) , the genus panthera , species tigris ( tiger ) adding a kind of kucingnamun large of its own species , greater than the king of the jungle a lion . Usually he went in pursuit of prey rather large as the deer sambar , antelope , swine , antelope , kancil , but will chase the small animals like a hedgehog when prey rather large there is no .Although it came from the same family , he different to the cats common small , he is very like to swim , free-living and wild , usually man panic if met him for famous like to eat a man too .
Mice he were small and have 4 feet, he habitually live in place dirty, for example in a stream the water around housing, he is a white, black, gray etc, a favorite snack food that become the characteristics his trademark namely cheese, he had aftermath, there are also the one who inflate biakannya for food snakes, usually antecedent use the white, he have a twin the species called hamster but hamster many pet by manuia for the shapes as unique and funny, yes was also noted in serial cartoons tom and jerry, she played get jerry.
the animal can be found in rivers or swamps of calm , and its main features namely savage , and very frightening .As in regions located in kalimantan river that calm and widespread major food this animal is flesh , have a thick skin and teeth that has very sharp in addition has the vision and olfactory sharp .
 the animal in the name of latin namely varanus komodoensis and the animal included in the species reptiles the largest in the world that is on the island of nusa tenggara, indonesia.The animal was one of 3 for indonesian national.The animal as for that is determined as fauna identity east nusa tenggara.Habitats an animal that there is only on some of the islands in nusa tenggara included in territorial a national park these reptiles also appreciated in the world international lolosnya being one of 28 finalists new 7 wonders of nature.

this animal characterizes the lepidoptera or winged insect .These animals have wings beautiful and motives of many sorts , as well as having various kinds of colors .These animals often menginggap flowers among bunga- to suck honey and help to the process of fertilization or pollination .These animals undergo metamorphosis perfect .
 this animal was animals night because they began their activity at night .Animals were mammals that can fly .A terbangnya of the thin that stretches of the forefoot to hind legs , and jari-jarinya also connected by the fly .Pet food this is of insects , and some buah-buahan , but others are which suck darah.hewan can exude or has sound high frequency ( the ) ultrasonic ejected from the mouth and his nose .And then the sound or thud have been issued , will is reflected to benda-benda what is around , and through the echo are , these animals can fly night without hit some prevent them .And also through the echo , these animals can understand the distance from food and the location

is a wild animal. Rhino have a gray skin. Rhino can live for 30 years to 40 years. Rhino have a thick skin that can protect them from the hot sun. Rhino have four legs and a bad vision. An adult Rhino usually have 900 kg to 1300 kg weight. Rhino love to soak in the mud. Rhino have a horn in it's face. Unfortunately many Rhino are killed because people want to take Rhino's horn. Rhino can run in fast speed even when there are in the water. Rhino are include in mammals categories. Rhino is a herbivore, they eat plant. 
The Giraffes
Contoh Descriptive Text Animal Tentang Jerapah
Giraffes are truly giant animals. They amaze me. I like giraffes because their long neck. They can grow up to 17 feet tall and weigh as much as 3,000 pounds. The male giraffes, called bulls, are typically larger than the females, called cows. The babies aren’t exactly small either. A baby giraffe, called a calf, is 6 feet tall at birth! Giraffes also have large hearts. Their hearts can be up to 2 feet long and weigh over 20 pounds. They need these large hearts to pump blood all the way up their long necks.

I like Kangaroos
Contoh Descriptive Text Animal Tentang Kangguru
Kangaroos is my favourite animal. The Red Kangaroo is the largest of all the Kangaroos. They live throughout much of the country of Australia and are the largest mammal that lives in Australia. Its scientific name is Macropus rufus. Kangaroos are herbivores. They get their name from the color of the male’s fur which is a reddish brown.They mostly graze on grasses. A male Red Kangaroo can jump up to 30 feet in one jump! They can also use their jumping ability to travel quickly at speeds of up to 30 miles per hour. Somedoy I want to go to Australia to meet a kangaroo.
Contoh Descriptive Text Animal Tentang Lumba-Lumba
I really interested in the dolphins. They are one of the most playful and intelligent animals on our planet. Even though dolphins spend their lives in the water, they are not fish, but are mammals. Dolphins can’t breathe water like fish, but need to come to the surface to breath air.
Contoh Descriptive Text Animal Tentang Unta
The camel is the weirdest camel I ever see. it most famous for the large humps on its back. They live in the deserts.
Camels can eat most any type of vegetation including dry, thorny, or bitter plants that other animals may not want to eat. Their digestive system is tough and they have been known to eat dead carcasses, clothing, and even shoes when extremely hungry.

 is a unique animal. it is the most diligent animal on earth. they work during summer, and rest during winter. the size varies from smaller than 0.1cm to 1cm or even bigger. some ants bite, some do not bite. usually venomous ants that bite is red colored, and aren't very small. black ants don't bite, and if they stay in one place, the mammoths stay away.
Conch fields ( pila ampullacea )
 is a kind of snails water easily found in fresh waters tropical asia , as in the fields , the ditch , and lakes .Shelled animals is known the conch that , snails fields , snails water , or tutut .The conch fields somewhat resemble slugs murbai , still related , but conch fields having a shell dark green to black

Animals that live in groups usually live in dense forests or pastures safana the many foods. The lion has a group consisting of one male and many females. The male is the ruler of the group that maintains the lioness and the perburuannya. While the lioness was tasked with hunting in search of food together.
The gray wolf or a Wolf (Canis lupus) is a carnivorous mammal. Gray wolves have the same origins with a foreign family of dogs Canis lupus through evidence of DNA sequencing and genetic investigations. Some types of dog also has a physical shape similar to a Wolf dog types, for example, Siberian Husky, Samoyed and Alaskan Malamut. In General, the wolves have high around 60 cm to 80 cm (26-32 inches) and weighs about 23% u201359 pounds.

 is the beast type ursus , thickly furred , can stand on both legs , clawed , and bermoncong long 1 .atau in ( england: bear ) derived from old english namely fallow 2 .In the name of scientific ursidae .Ursidae itself originates from two words that ursus and idae .Ursus derived from latin ursus which means bears , and idae comes from the ancient greece eidos.
A party small mammals similar , and often be confused , with squirrel .Scientifically , the creature is not equal and far kekerabatannya of the family squirrel .The animal is a hunter and did all put in the nation insectivorous together with cerurut , while squirrel and flying squirrel including the rodentia ( rodent among with mice

The gorilla is the type primates greatest .Food gorilla consisting of sayur-sayuran , although sometimes eat insects .Therefore the gorilla can be grouped as an animal omnivorous .The gorilla derived from tropical forests in africa .97-98 % dna gorilla synonymous with human dna .The gorilla species are the second only to chimpanzees closest to humans .There are two species in genus gorillas , the gorilla east gorilla ) ( eastern and western gorilla ( western gorilla ) .
Dinosaurs were a group of ancient of klad dinosauria .Dinosaurs first appeared in the triassic period , about 230 million years ago , and is vertebrates dominant for 135 million years , since the jurassic period ( about 201 million years ago ) until the end of the cretaceous ( 65 million years ago ) , and then just because of extinction kapur-paleogen before the mesozoic era.

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